Tour Proven Training Aid

One of the easiest ways to learn to shoot in the 70's is to make sure you are in play on every hole. That means you have to drive the ball well. I'd been struggling with this for a long time. Then in June the PGA tour was in my home town. I was luck enough to get some tickets for the practice rounds. So I went to the event on a Wednesday and spent some time at the range watching the pros practice on the range. Like always I was hoping to see or pick up something from watching them. Every time I see a PGA Tour event in person it makes me think I'm going to go home and hit shots like them I don't know why. Anyway I noticed a number of the PGA tour guys on the range were using this funny club that seemed broken on the end. It had some kind of hinge to it and I was pretty sure I'd seen it on the Golf Channel. The one thing I noticed was that all the guys using this thing had such a nice smooth tempo. None of the sudden bursts of acceleration that are likely to happen anywhere in my swing.

I walked the course the rest of the day and didn't really pick much else up in the way of tips or advice. I was just hoping watching these guys play would make me better. On Saturday morning I had my weekly game with the guys. I was pretty psyched because they all knew I had taken off during the week to see the tour event. Of course they wanted to know all about it, who I saw, what they said etc. For some reason I really thought I was going to play better because I hung out with the tour guys. That seems very funny to me now but it wasn't at the time.

Needless to say my game wasn't any different. I sprayed the ball all over the place. My iron game is pretty good but that doesn't matter if you're not in play off the tee. So I went home and starting poking around the internet looking for something to help my game. I've read just about every golf instruction book there is and I try every tip that comes along. However, I've never been much into training aids. One thing I noticed was that the tour pros did seem to be using them, especially early in the week before the tournament began. I remembered that funny looking driver I had seen so I started research and discovered it was the Medicus 2000.

I went ahead and took a chance and ordered my first training aid. It took a few days to get here and I had to laugh when I saw it. It really did look like a bit of a broken driver. I had no idea how the hinge mechanism really worked. I finally got some time to go to the range and try it out.

I'm not going to lie and tell you that it immediately changed my swing and my game. In fact, I was quite frustrated at first. I could not swing that thing without the hinge breaking down. I had a few choice words about what I thought about this club and they weren't very nice. I was trying to swing the way I always do and I just couldn't see why the club wasn't working for me.

Well, after more than a few balls I started to slow down and really try and see what this thing was doing. I slowed down my backswing until I could keep that hinge from breaking. Then after a while I was able to also start my downswing without the hinge breaking down. I couldn't believe how well the shots were flying with this "broken shafted" driver. It really did force me to change my backswing and downswing path to make the club work. When I went back to my regular driver I was suddenly driving the ball straight. I could always hit it a decent distance but I didn't know where it was going.

The short story is that two weeks after I got the Medicus I was driving the ball in play on every hole and my scores dropped into the 70's with no problem. I didn't have to make more putts or anything. It was just the fact that the Medicus made my swing much more consistent so now I know where the ball is going. I would say if you have the patience to stay with it the Medicus can definitely help make your game much more consistent. Its one of the few training aids I know that you can actually hit balls with.

Medicus Driver Improves all aspects of your swing from the takeaway to downswing.

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